Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I love snow

I can't stand the cold weather.  I'm one of those people.  The minute it drops below 77 degrees, I'm under a blanket, making myself some tea or hot chocolate.  But when it snows, it makes it all worth it.

Yesterday it snowed from 9.30 am until around 11 that night.  There were some breaks, but it was awesome.  I also only had one class so I was able to take a ton of pictures.

It feels so much like a fairy tale to see snow.  This is probably the fifth time I've even seen it, and only the third that there's actually been enough to play in.
It put me in a good mood all day long.  And I spent most of my day walking around taking pictures (until it was time to go home and make candy, but that's another story).

Monday, February 22, 2010


These next few days might be a little bare.  I just found out that I'm eligible for a scholarship from the French Department, but the deadline for the application is the 26th (oh no!) and I still need to go get a letter of recommendation.  It should work out, but there will definitely be some running around.

I'm also looking into becoming a tutor to help out with the money worries.  (My job recently started cutting my hours and I'm only able to work three days out of the week in the first place, so that kind of sucks.)  But that's not very stressful.  Wish me luck!  I'll let you know how things end up.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Post Number One

The title to this may seem a bit uncreative, but honestly, at this point I don't want to impose anything on the formation of this experiment.  This isn't my first blog, but it's my first blog like this.  As of right now, I don't have a direction and I want to see how this will unfold.