Monday, April 19, 2010

Moving on Up

For the most part, every move I've ever made has been to somewhere better.  As I grew up, I went from whay my family lovingly called "the crack house" (where we lived when I was around 2-3) to "the big blue house" and "the house in Orange Tree," etc.  And for the most part, every new place has been better.  Even now, living sort of on my own, I'm still experiencing that.  I'm currently in the middle of moving, and even though my new place is a little smaller, I don't have to deal with the same petty roommate issues like in my last place.  So in many ways, it feels so much better.

(Man I want to rant about roommate bullshit so much right now, but I feel wrong burdening you--maybe later then.)

So far I've got everything I need.  There are a couple things I want, like more bookshelves (apparently 3 isn't enough), a coffee table, etc, but I've got all the basics of personal happiness--my very well stocked kitchen (hoo-ray for families), my comfy sheets, my tora.   I expect all should go well.  I've even started decorating a little.  Most of the boxes are still packed, and I've started decorating.  But hey, it makes me like the place that much more because I'm able to express myself in more than just my corner of my room.  I'll load pictures soon, my homage to Don Quixote makes me smile in a special way.

 The view from my balcony before they cut my tree.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Live Music Capital of the World

So I've been in my town for a while without truly delving into one of the things that makes it so special--live music.  But recently I've been exploring the live 8 bit music scene and it's been awesome.  During spring break I went to Datapop 3, took tons of pics and videos (which I plan on uploading) and tonight I just got back from seeing the Mysterious H.  There weren't many people there, but the energy was still really good.  And it turns out that this is sort of a monthly thing--getting people together for an 8 bit music performance.  I have expectations that it will grow and become more rowdy, especially as I do my part by bringing along friends.

I love the feel of concerts.  No matter what kind, there's always a good vibe from the people that are just so happy to be there.  Dancy concerts might be my favorite because all inhibitions melt away as the crowd pulsates as one entity.  Thoughts like that make me think I'd like to go to a rave, but nobody seems as interested as me.  One day I plan on going anyway.

And even though its a school night, and I also have work in the morning, I'm so glad I went.  There are just some things that I would gladly trade sleep for.  It was also cool hanging out with "the band" and his friends afterward.  I do need to get better at skee ball though.