Saturday, September 11, 2010

Misanthropic me

Sometimes I hate everything.  And sometimes I'm completely neutral or aloof.  I hardly ever feel up to social networking myself into friendships but then it bothers me that I don't know more people.  It'd be easier if I didn't care at all, if I really could just abandon everyone and be content with just me. 

Actually, that's not what I want.  What I want is Great friends.  Friends I feel connected to and who I can leave for a while then come back to.

Having moved around and living with the urge to be a nomad, I'm always torn and struggling with the idea of constantly leaving the people I get to know (or don't).  I want to travel, to go everywhere, but I can't bring everyone with me.  That's what makes Great friends so awesome.  When I go back to the few people I really feel connected to it's great.  There's no awkwardness and though things change, not the friendship itself.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm such a nerd

I have to say that I love school.  I always feel best when I have classes to go to instead of being stuck at work, day after day doing the same thing.  To me, work seems like a Sartre-esque Hell.  There's absolutely nothing new that happens whereas school is a door to so much interesting stuff.

The first couple days of school are always some of my favorites.  In getting to know the professors, they always reveal their passion for their subject either through lively gestures or intense, never ending knowledge.  That's what I love.

I love that it's a place where everything is interesting, even the "boring" subjects because you can always find some who crazy about it and who's willing to talk your ear off (in the best way possible).  Being surrounded by passion is one of the greatest feelings.