Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Turn to the left

I know this is going to seem shallow compared to that last post, but it's part of me too.

Recently I've been paying more attention to clothes and fashion and makeup.  Things that never interested me before.  I grew up a tom-boy, and spent puberty with my dad.  And because I was smaller than my younger sister, many of my things were hand-me-downs.  Only recently, have I had clothes that fit me right.  And I have to say it's kind of nice.  But moving away from that bliss of not caring what I look like to wanting to look like me has made me feel so awkward.  I feel too shy to wear cute things because I never did before.  And there are things I'll see at the store that I like but I know I'll never wear because I would feel too weird.  It's almost like I've created a character for myself and all my clothes have to follow that.  That's silly, I know, but it's hard to not follow it. 

A good thing that has come from this is a reevaluation of my wardrobe.  Sometimes when I'm feeling creative I'll try to pair random things in my closet to see how they work together.  Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.  But either way it makes me feel good to know that I can find ways to incorporate different elements into an outfit so that I can wear something without feeling too wrong about it.  A lot of times its really simple, but I like how it comes out.

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